Basic Procedure of Online Meeting with Bible Verse 365
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-You can use chatting, group chatting, video chatting apps, and video conferencing apps through media such as mobile phones or PCs.
Usually, one of members serves as a guide.
1. The Lord’s Prayer (Everyone) 2. Meditation on today’s verse: reading and meditating on today’s verse from Bible Verse 365 (may read a few more verses before and/or after a certain date, if needed) 3. Words of the Holy Spirit – recite one among the Words to the Seven Churches in Revelation Chapter 2-3.
The Seven Churches
1) The Church in Ephesus (Rev 1:1-7), 2) The Church in Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11), 3) The Church in Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17), 4) The Church in Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29), 5) The Church in Sardis (Rev 3:1-6), 6) The Church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13), 7) The Church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22)
4. Intercessory prayer and Individual prayer Intercessory prayer
Prayer is a natural expression of faith that testifies the life of walking with Jesus, intercessory prayer especially is a prayer of calling that personally carries out the love for neighbors while pursuing the spiritual benefits of the active community of not only myself but also with others. In other words, it is the most basic starting point at which the word of Jesus who said to love your neighbor as yourself is applied to reality.
Now, we must definitely carry out the calling of loving our neighbors which we have been on our minds but have not put into action. We need to overcome the boundaries that have imprisoned us to pursue only our own blessings and pray the intercessory prayer of life towards the people, churches of God and non-believers who live in misery as well as everyone around us as follows. Through these intercessory prayers, we must get rid of narrow-minded selfishness and be truly reborn by finding the essence of the religion with Christ only.
*Intercessory Prayer Contents
1) Prayer for all churches represented by the Seven Churches 2) Prayer for all non-believers 3) Prayer for those around us 4) Prayer for our community 5) Prayer for specific people 6) Prayer for partnering disciples 7) Prayer for urgent, imminent matters together
5. Testimony of faith – sharing the experiences together as your testimony of faith
Also, if there are any changes of your life with Jesus’ grace in the process of reading and recording the topics of “How to Start?” which is the summary of the Reader’s Message, you can share the experiences together as your testimony of faith.
6. Fellowship between believers 7. Finishing with reciting of the Letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13)
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